A New Product design release!!!
「A bag that brings a new mobile experience for the urban life style!Monster Bag also brings the relationship between the owner and the pet-bag alive. It will keep you company and protect your personal belongings with a smile.」
「Monster Bag要帶給都市人不同的移動生活體驗,將都市人與包包的關係變成主人與寵物般的生動,它像是陪伴在你身邊的好幫手,用微笑幫你保護著重要的隨身物品。」
Event:2008 新一代設計展 YODEX
Place:台北世界貿易中心展覽大樓一樓 廠商區 無印良品旁 Taipei World Trade Center 1F by MUJI
5/15.16 9am-5pm 生意洽談 for business visits
5/17.18 9am-5pm 生意與一般參觀 for business and friends
Contact: yungchun.chang@gmail.com / 0918080518
more info
產品資訊(合作廠商 形塑品牌公司)
星期六, 5月 10, 2008
Monster Bag Exhibition - 5/15 to 18
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