Design with eyes 設計眼: What could I do about Cradle to cradle?

星期六, 4月 19, 2008

What could I do about Cradle to cradle?

Last Month I went to a speech in Formosa Hotel in Taipei. It was an occasion between Taiwan successful enterprises and Michael Braungart. The author of the book ," Cradle to Cradle ", is one of important contemporary fighter of environmental issues. He recovered lots of negative insights of product industry which are things I didn't understand from my college Industrial Design education. But I did start to accept the impact during the year in Art Center College of Design. I learned how to start a new product concept from not only about how important its functions are but also to define the relationship between product , people and the earth.

I do feel we have the possibility to change the way we design things. What I could do is

1. Keep learning and be humble in front of the nature:understand the designer's capability to apply a new concept, don't just follow what the company wants or the consumer's trend. Designers need to make big difference to apply innovation on nature.
2. Don't blame the role of manufacture: Manufacturers don't really care about nature unless the people who ask them to make things care. So, Don't blame them. We need to find out the way to communicate the value of making a recyclable product.
3. The positive business model: Companies earn money to survive. Need to think of how to increasing value but only to feel shamed of the human existing.
4. Open to cooperate with scientists , educators, manufacturers and any possible professions involved in your ideas.

More Design News of caring our nature .

Seoul Design Competition
Toshiyuki KITA's Natura e Techologia exhibition

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