Design with eyes 設計眼: Kids "Create your future" website

星期三, 5月 16, 2007

Kids "Create your future" website

Take a look at our earth JFS released a new website - Kids "Create your future." The purpose is to explore the possibilities of eco-friendly human living on the education of kids. JFS (Japan for sustainability) is an organization which aims to develop sustainable ideas in the world but bases on Japan. They publish e-paper once a while which you can subscribe it free. In fact, it is a little bit difficult for me to understand the information , cause of language boundary and the gap in the professional level. However, I still keep an eye on it and try to be a part of making our environment sustainable.

Now, we are lucky to have this website "Kids Create your future"
It provides information for kids in English and of course it is easy to understand. Actually, all the information is good for all kinds of age.

Take a good look at our earth!

永續性設計在台灣似乎沒有普遍的共識,設計學子或設計師這方面的嘗試與貢獻鮮少有被看到,不過這不代表我們處在台灣就不需要重視這個議題,反而是要更嚴肅看待,而且設計師的角色是人類工業與自然之間的仲介商,直接影響環境的能力可能高於其他很多專業,更何況在全球視野上已經有很多很好的例子正在身邊發生,比如JFS就是日本的組織,專門提倡永續性的資訊,對於這個領域有興趣的設計同仁可以免費註冊他們的電子報,同時極力推薦瀏覽他們的網站 - Kids "Create your future."

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