Design with eyes 設計眼: Innovative Material - Seamless Mesh

星期三, 5月 23, 2007

Innovative Material - Seamless Mesh

Smart Smart Smart invention of material - Kaynemail's Seamless mesh. It is composed of two important processes. First is the molding technology, it uses a new way of injection-molding machine which is to mold a ring inside multiple rings. The other is to discover this material's potential. For example,It will apply to the filter system or cargo nets. But what the most interesting part in this case is it came from a need of film-making...

Check it out.

新材質 - 無縫輕巧塑膠環網,結合塑膠射出的技術的改進,產生出很多應用的可能性,同時也得了今年的IF Material Gold Price.

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